Retail and Flex Space SOLD.
Gregg McArthur and Greg Whitehead, Directors of Hospitality at NAI Excel, are thrilled to announce the sale of a five unit retail and flex space on State Street in Hurricane, Utah.
McArthur and Whitehead were exclusively retained by the seller to lease all five of the units and to sell the project.
Each unit was approximately 1,600 square feet and included a retail storefront area that faces State Street, and a warehouse space. Built in 2008 with a total of 8,000 Square feet and great State Street visibility made this a great location to each of the new tenants.
“We were able to lease all five suites to various retailers, who will help to boost the current economic conditions in Hurricane, as well as create a positive cash flow for the owner.” Stated McArthur.
McArthur and Whitehead were also retained by the Buyer who wanted a positive cash flow investment property with the addition of a value add opportunity.
This property fit the bill. McArthur and Whitehead negotiated strong terms between the Buyer and the Seller.