Do you have old, outdated electronic products that you would like to get rid of? Would you like to have them picked up at little or no cost?

75% of obsolete electronic products such as laptop computers, keyboards, computers, monitors, computer central processing units, fax & scanner machines, copiers, cameras, cell phones, telephones, PDA’s, DVD & VHS machines, video game systems and other electronic devices are currently being stored or warehoused without any idea on the best way to handle these materials.

Virgin Valley Recycling recently opened its doors for business at 526 S Commerce Street, Suite 102 in the Hurricane Fairground Industrial Park and is doing a big part to take a byte out of ewaste in all southern Utah counties.

Pat Chappell, Meeja McAlister, and Jason Griffith, CCIM, of NAI Utah Southern Region, assisted with the transaction.

Do your part to keep Southern Utah Beautiful! All equipment acquired by Virgin Valley Recycling is data wiped and meets DOD standards and is evaluated for potential of reuse, repair, and component or scrap value. Items that have value are tested and repaired for reuse or resale. Virgin Valley Recycling subscribes to and supports that efforts of environmental protection is the responsibility of all of earth’s inhabitants.